Tagged: personal-growth

Journaling Prompts on Goal-Setting, and Achieving Peak Performance

Tony Robbins, a well-known life coach and motivational speaker, focuses on personal development, goal-setting, and achieving peak performance. Here are some journaling prompts inspired by Tony Robbins’ teachings:

  1. Goals and Vision:
    • What are my top three goals for the next 12 months, and why are they important to me?
    • Envision your ideal life five years from now. What does it look like in detail?
  2. Personal Standards:
    • What standards do I hold for myself in terms of health, relationships, and success?
    • In what areas of my life can I raise my standards to achieve better results?
  3. Identifying Limiting Beliefs:
    • Reflect on any limiting beliefs that may be holding me back. How can I reframe them into empowering beliefs?
    • What evidence is there that contradicts or questions these limiting beliefs?
  4. Emotional Fitness:
    • How do I typically respond to challenges or setbacks emotionally?
    • What practices can I adopt to maintain emotional fitness and resilience in the face of adversity?
  5. Morning Routine and Energy:
    • Describe my current morning routine. How can I enhance it to boost my energy and set a positive tone for the day?
    • What activities bring me joy and vitality, and how can I incorporate them into my daily routine?
  6. Resourcefulness and Problem-Solving:
    • When faced with a challenge, do I tend to focus more on the problem or the solution?
    • How can I cultivate a mindset of resourcefulness and effective problem-solving?
  7. Relationships and Connection:
    • Assess the quality of my key relationships. What actions can I take to strengthen and deepen these connections?
    • How can I contribute more to the people around me to create meaningful relationships?
  8. Financial Mastery:
    • What are my financial goals, and what steps can I take to achieve them?
    • How can I improve my financial intelligence and make better decisions about money?
  9. Continuous Learning:
    • In what ways am I committed to ongoing learning and personal growth?
    • What books, courses, or mentors can I engage with to expand my knowledge and skills?
  10. Gratitude and Contribution:
    • List three things I’m grateful for today.
    • How can I contribute to others and make a positive impact in my community or the world?

Tony Robbins emphasizes the importance of taking massive action and continually improving oneself. Use these prompts to dive into various aspects of your life and identify actionable steps toward personal growth and success.

Journaling Prompts for Self-Reflection and Personal Development

Brendon Burchard, a high-performance coach and author, emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and personal development. Here are some journaling prompts inspired by his teachings:

  1. Clarity of Purpose:
    • What is my ultimate purpose or mission in life?
    • What are the three most important goals I want to achieve in the next year?
  2. High Performance Habits:
    • What habits contribute positively to my daily life, and how can I amplify their impact?
    • Are there any habits that hinder my progress, and how can I replace them with positive ones?
  3. Productivity and Focus:
    • What tasks or activities make the biggest impact on my goals, and how can I prioritize them?
    • How can I improve my focus and eliminate distractions in my daily routine?
  4. Courage and Bold Action:
    • In what areas of my life am I holding back due to fear, and how can I take courageous action?
    • What is one bold step I can take today to move closer to my dreams?
  5. Influence and Contribution:
    • How can I use my strengths and talents to positively impact others?
    • Who are the people I admire, and what qualities can I cultivate to become a better influencer?
  6. Well-being and Energy:
    • How can I enhance my physical and mental well-being each day?
    • What activities bring me joy and energy, and how can I incorporate more of them into my routine?
  7. Learning and Growth:
    • What new skills or knowledge do I want to acquire, and how can I make learning a consistent part of my life?
    • In what ways can I embrace challenges as opportunities for personal growth?
  8. Gratitude and Celebration:
    • What are three things I’m grateful for today?
    • How can I celebrate my small victories and milestones on the journey to my goals?

Remember to approach journaling with authenticity and openness. These prompts are meant to encourage self-discovery and reflection on areas that contribute to a fulfilling and high-performance life.


In our first part of this series we talked about clarity and understanding WHAT WE REALLY WANT. The first step of this is learning the four primary desires of our life and how to achieve them. One of four desires is Aliveness which we learned about in the previous blog post. Today we will learn about the second one, DEEP CONNECTION.

Dissatisfaction in life usually has nothing to do with you but with the quality of your relationships. Better relationships and deeper connections with yourself, others, and the universe or God equate to a happier life. Focus on the routines that will improve your relationships, instead of the tasks.


Too much in this world is left to chance, but you can make radical shifts when you create the architecture to support your ultimate desire.

That is the secret to the centurions, blue zone and to that ageless way of vibrancy in life. So deepen connection- not only with other people but with yourself too. 


Think of the closest people in your life and ask yourself:

  • How can I deepen my relationship with this person?
  • What would that look like? What can I do with him/her?
  • What are the goals of the people who are closest to you in their life?
  • How can you support that? How can you encourage that? How can you help them?
  • How can you deepen that network or relationship for them or with them?

If you are in a relationship with someone, it is important to be present with them. Be responsible for the energy (aliveness, passion, presence) you are bringing into your relationships. It shifts the relationships. How can you deepen the relationship with your spouse? It takes daily work. Brendon says:

“I set an intention before going into my house, how I will treat my wife, how I will be. It is a mindset and habit trigger that before I enter that doorway, I set an intention for how I want to be with her. “

So simple, but daily. You have to make self improvement a way of life including with the people you love, live together.

Journaling Questions:

-What are three things you could do to deepen your relationships in the major areas of your life?

-What are your routines to deepen those relationships? Do not write tasks, write routines to make better relationships. 

I will see you in our next post where we will learn about third desire, MEANINGFUL PURSUIT. Are you doing your homework, answering the journaling questions? Is this helping you to get to know yourself, figure out what you want of your life, and rediscover yourself? Loved to hear from you in comments.