We all have New Year resolutions or goals when it hits January, but can we ever really accomplish them? How many years passed by and we still set the same goals? Well, this year I am determined that it will be a different one. So I am learning how to do it from the experts in the field of planning, executing and finally transforming myself into the person that I dream of. I know

And I know, I can

because Brendon Burchard said so :).

I have been listening Brendon Burchard’s PLAN & EXECUTE AN EXTRAORDINARY 2024 & 5-DAY TRANSFORMATION WEEK-FREE CHALLENGE videos and I wanted to share them with you. You can even find them and join yourself. I think it would worth your time.

So this series works like this: You will read my notes and answer the Journaling Questions. You can use your physical journal or write online. It is all up to you, but the important part is writing it down, journaling about it.

Anyone can have goals, but doing the work, showing up faithfully, and summoning the best of yourself gets challenging. When the drive or energy is missing, it creates stagnancy. To set up and structure your life, you need to build an extraordinary architecture through self-examination.

  • Desires: Do you have total clarity around what you want at this stage of your life?
  • Routines: Do you have the routines that enable you to constantly manifest your desires?
  • Goals: What is your ambitious outcome?
  • Tasks: Are you approaching your tasks with a complete architecture?

Give yourself some GRACE. Sometimes you may not know what your goals should be. You do not have total clarity in life. The less you know about your goals, dreams, it is a sign that you are NOW THE GOAL. This is the stage of your life that you prioritize yourself, get to know yourself, internal knowing and connection.

In order to set your goals, you have to know, be clear at your DESIRES. What makes you feel alive in 2024? This is the desire. Great , What is the routine?

HAVE YOU SET UP ROUTINES (You don’t have to think about or schedule, just do/be in the flow of doing) THIS YEAR (DAILY/WEEKLY/MONTHLY/ANNUAL) TO DRAW OUT ALIVENESS? Because it does not happen automatically.

Routine ex: yearly adventure trips with friends

The routine is  trying to live in the desire. After the routines, what is the goal? 

GOAL=AMBITIOUS (specific) OUTCOME (that is a stretch)

That’s the difference between a goal and a task. TASK is just something you do that day, it does not have to be routine. That is your TO-DO list. 

What are your desires?


Seeking higher levels of aliveness is the cause for so many actions you take in life. This could sound like passion, spiritual energy, more enthusiasm, purpose, more ıntımacy or fitness, but the truth is all of those things are a search for aliveness. You must seek to feel free from frustration, pain, and self-hate! Ask yourself if you have set up the daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly routines that support your quest for unique aliveness and if they support your ability to get a result.


 When you don’t have one in your life, you cause havoc, start grating your teeth.


The thing that we all want in life is a sense of aliveness. After anyone has a basic set of needs met, safety and sustenance, what people really want is a sense of aliveness in such a way that they feel the day again.

Even though you are a billionaire and have everything, you can still want aliveness in your life. You can call aliveness , sense of passion, enthusiasm, excitement, consciousness, awareness, being here now =presence. You might call it different, but it is that vibrancy or connection with the moment that is a little elevator.

You can have everything, but if you don’t feel the day, sense of aliveness, it is very discouraging. You feel something seems to be missing. What is missing is, you did not teach yourself to feel the moment, to be alive in the sense of enthusiasm, engagement with this day, despite where you have been hurt, despite the challenges, the dramas, the traumas.

  • Journaling Question: What three things you could do this year that will make you feel more alive each day? Greater sense of aliveness would come into your life because of what? What would make you feel more excited, enthusiastic, engaged, connected to life?

For me, One of them, my annual routine, is traveling to the different parts of the world :) For example; It can be exercising so that you can have more energy and stamina. So for that person it can be health and fitness. Or it can be lots of stress and buried under work. For them, aliveness is releasing some of that work load. Or for some people, they have trauma because of difficulties in their life, they have to heal mentally. They have to elevate their mental health, so that they can feel alive, happy again.


The world does not deliver it to you. You have to be aware of it, sense it and connect with it.

I will share my annual routine that brings me aliveness with you. I started to do this 2 years ago. It is to see a different country in Europe. I love meeting new people, new culture, food and music. Walking in the streets of this new place, taking pictures, looking at the art and history of this new world. So, would you like to share what one thing that brings you aliveness in the comments? 😍 What is it?